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Paving Success: On Time Mini Mix Advertising Triumph


  • Overview of On Time Mini Mix, a concrete delivery service specializing in concrete mix services.


  • On Time Mini Mix aimed to acquire leads and phone calls cost-effectively while staying under a target acquisition cost.

Advertising Results (April 2023 to October 2023):

  • Total Cost: $16,600

  • Leads Acquired: 107

  • Phone Calls: 393

  • Cost per Conversion: $68.06

  • Clicks to Website: 1,900

Key Metrics:

  • Emphasize the importance of lead acquisition and phone calls for a service-based business like concrete delivery.

Cost per Acquisition Target:

  • Client’s goal was to stay under $150 per acquisition.

Success Highlights:

  • The campaign successfully achieved a cost per conversion of $68.06, well below the client’s target.

  • 393 phone calls indicate a strong engagement and interest in On Time Mini Mix’s services.


  • Discuss potential strategies to further optimize the campaign or expand reach based on the observed success.


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